Monday, April 23, 2007

javascript Guidelines

JavaScript is Case Sensitive

A function named "myfunction" is not the same as "myFunction" and a variable named "myVar" is not the same as "myvar".
JavaScript is case sensitive - therefore watch your capitalization closely when you create or call variables, objects and functions.

White Space

JavaScript ignores extra spaces. You can add white space to your script to make it more readable. The following lines are equivalent:
name = "Hege"

Break up a Code Line

You can break up a code line within a text string with a backslash. The example below will be displayed properly:
document.write("Hello \World!")

However, you cannot break up a code line like this:
document.write \("Hello World!")


You can add comments to your script by using two slashes //:
//this is a comment
document.write("Hello World!")

or by using /* and */ (this creates a multi-line comment block):
/* This is a commentblock. It containsseveral lines */
document.write("Hello World!")